
Interface Summary
ILinkDatumValue During a simulation, a link datum may be assigned a value in one of 3 ways: Constant value. The link datum will always be the specified value. Page value. The value is assigned based on the value from the link in the previous page.

Class Summary
DataSet The Simulation's internal representation of a DataSet.
DataSetWrapper Wraps a DataSet object so that it can be shared between each VirtualUser (each VirtualUser runs in it's own thread).
Link This class represents a URL for a virtual user.
LinkData Each Link object is comprised of 2 parts: The URI of the link (where to go), and The data to send. The data is either represented by a query string, in the case of an anchor tag (link) or form data in the case of a form submit.
PageDataMatchAction IMatchAction implementation for extracting the values for query string data and form input elements.

Exception Summary

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